Monday, April 5, 2010

Back on Track... Maybe

So over Easter weekend I didn't go hog wild but I definitely ate wheat. We had steak at the in-laws on Sunday, and although I love steak I do NOT love blood... and this was medium-rare steak. So I was a vegetarian for that meal. ;-) I ate 1.5 rolls, mashed potatoes and salad. For dessert I had the top half (no crust) of a white chocolate/chocolate marble cheesecake.

Today I started my day with a fresh cup of joe. I am really, really enjoying coffee these days. It has the added benefit of moving things along my digestion track, if you get my drift. For breakfast I had my protein shake, minus the banana. I've noticed that when I leave out the banana I don't get nauseated. Weird, but whatever. I am still getting the protein (26 grams per shake), rice milk, flax seed and walnuts.

For lunch I had 3 romaine lettuce leaves with turkey, pastrami and a bit of spicy mustard.

I have my niece today; she is SO cute and chubby. You should see the rolls on her thighs; just delicious! Too bad such chubbiness isn't as cute on us older folk :-D

So, crazy thing- we move NEXT week. I still haven't wrapped my head around it. It seems so surreal. Like, after next week we won't live in this house? SAD!?!?! I love this house. After next week I'll be hundreds of miles from my family and friends? SAD! I love my family and friends!

But on the flip side, I'm getting really excited to move into our new house and make it my own. I'm excited to get into a schedule that includes exercise. I'm excited to get to know our church family up there.

So, bittersweet is definitely the word that describes this whole transition.

I haven't weighed myself because I keep forgetting to. Honestly, I haven't even bothered because if it's up, I don't want to be stressed, and if it's down I don't want to stress about keeping it down. It's been literally 2 months with no weight loss at all. This is a bit disappointing and frustrating, but I haven't been exercising or counting calories. Guess I'm a real pro at maintaining! LOL

I do plan to try to eat as well as possible during the move. But I'm not going to kill myself over it. I know I say that a lot, but it's because I have to keep reminding myself that this is NOT the most important thing. It can really start to seem that way, especially when I see some of the results others are getting. But for me, for now, this is all I can do. So I'll just stick with it.

I hope to post pictures of our new home once we move in. Josh is going to talk to the landlord this week to see how he feels about us painting. I hope he says it's ok. Paint is such an easy way to make things more personal, homey and cozy.

OH! Guess what!? I bought a pair of size 12 jeans and they fit! I tried on quite a few pairs and some of them were really a tight squeeze. Pun intended. ;-) It seems my butt and thighs aren't the problem... my stomach pooch is. So hopefully once I get a new gym membership that will start going away and I can fit comfortably into a 12, then a 10 and maybe even an 8. =)

That's all for now, folks. So far our computer is hanging on for dear life, and I'm not sure when we're going to pack it up. But I'll be back to let you know when I'll be going off line for the move.

I think I just may go brew some more coffee; or maybe tea. :-D

1 comment:

  1. One thing we've learned is to say healthy goodbyes. Walk around and actually say goodbye to the house - with your kids. Say aloud what you will miss, what memories you have in that room. Thinking of you in this transition.
