Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Best. Husband. Ever.

Hey, Friends!

I just have to shamelessly brag for a bit, okay?

I have the best husband. Ever.

He was supposed to have this week off, on vacation.  Only things keep coming up and he was gone both Monday and Tuesday. Well, I may be a bit hormonal and I may have gone a bit overboard and kinda freaked out.  Cuz I miss him and I thought he was gonna be here, you know?

So today he got up with the kiddos (including my niece) and let me sleep in.  And sleep in I did.  Until 11:30. :-O  I don't know if I've EVER slept in that long.  Apparently my body needed that sleep!! And when I woke up the house was perfectly still and quiet.  I texted him to say thanks for letting me sleep and wondering where he was.  He had taken all the kids to the indoor playground, so I got another hour of quiet to eat breakfast and drink coffee and peruse Pinterest.  So nice.

He came home, Kate went to Brooklyn's house for a playdate (THANKS, Jen!!), Owen and Savannah went down for naps and Josh took Christian out for a daddy/son date.  He had promised him a smoothie if Christian was brave for the eye doctor, cuz he kinda freaked out a little when he heard he was going back.  He HATES having his eyes dilated.  So anyway, he *was* brave, so he got to go with Josh and get a smoothie at the coffee shop. :)

So it's been a super nice, laid back day and just what I needed. 

Sunshine Mama-HI!!! How are you? How is your pregnancy going? I'm doing well; I'm due 6-12-12. :) The kiddos' last day of school is the 12th, I think, so I'm telling the baby he/she can come anytime AFTER I see Christian's kindergarten graduation. :-D

Hope you're all well!

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