Thursday, February 2, 2012


I've started drinking more water lately, thanks to my recent purchase of this:

I got it at Target and it has that cool thing in the middle that you freeze and it keeps your water cold.  It holds 56oz and I've been able to drink A LOT more water than usual with it.

We had some good friends over last night.  They are from Canada (I grew up with the husband, then he married a Canadian and moved away) and it was a blast.  But, I totally overdid it.  Josh was out of town for work so it was just me left to clean up the house and get dinner ready.  I didn't even do THAT much, but sweeping and vacuuming apparently are no bueno for my back.  I woke up all night long cuz my back hurt so bad.  Luckily I have PT tonight so she can re-adjust my back/pelvis.

In other news, baby girl is ACTIVE!!  And low.  She is constantly jumping around on my bladder, LOL.  I looked up what a 21 week old fetus looks like, and it's so cool.  They already look pretty perfect; like a tiny little person. I'm getting excited because I'm going to paint/decorate Kate's room (which the baby will be sharing once she moves out of our room) and that is super fun for me. Pinterest to the rescue! TONS of good ideas there.

My mom, sister and I are headed to the coast for the weekend!!!  I am so excited. I can't wait to lounge around and shop and read.

I hope you're all doing well! I'll check in next week.

1 comment:

  1. OW that is cute. Blue is my favorite color maybe I will go to target today and pick one up. Have you tried the crystal lite? I hate hate hate drinking plain water but love drinking water with the little crystal lite mixed in. Also I have used a brita and that makes the water taste better to me.
    Have a great trip and get some rest. TAKE SOME PICTURES WITH THAT NEW CAMERA!
    I know you have a name already but I am just gonna keep tossing some out there...Nicole (Nicki), Amanda (Amy, Mandy).
