Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Changing Things Up

Good Morning =)

Usually I get up in the morning with my children, get them settled in with breakfast and then hop on the computer to check my blog, facebook, email, etc...

But I've noticed that I end up staying on the computer far too long and ignoring my kiddos. So I'm switching things up and I'll start posting at the end of the day instead. I really have no self control when it comes to the computer and can browse and browse and browse and literally spend hours here. That's not fair to my kids, my housework or myself!

So, I'll be touching base at the end of the day, so I make sure my children are my first priority and I'll be able to keep up with the housework more, too.

I haven't mentioned this, but I'm also going through a pretty severe relapse with my postpartum depression. I've had to start taking Xanax again just to make it through the day and it feels like everything is spinning out of control. It's been getting progressively worse over the last couple of weeks, so I need to step back and make sure I get my mental health back on track.

I kind of don't know what to do because I've tried basically all the hardcore drugs that are available, and they all work for a while and then stop. I need to go back to Dr. Ray in Arizona, but the logistics of that are much more difficult to work out now that we don't live near any family to help with the child care.

So anyway, those are the big things going on in my life that I need to focus on and will be working to improve.


  1. hang in there hun

    and are you exercising on a regular basis? I wonder if that would help some....

  2. Got caught up on you a little. I know what you mean about getting caught up with the computer first thing in the morning. Lately, though, I've been having the opposite struggle...I don't feel like sitting in front of the computer. Maybe it's this uncomfortable chair. Ha. Ha. Maybe it's the weather. Who knows?

    I'm sorry you're going through some depression. But I like what you said about also paying attention to the important things in your life too with the kids, family and friends. Maybe once you get the hang of your new diet...it won't feel so all consuming. You'll find your rhythm.

  3. I am sorry you are going thru this and can't immediately get the help that you think is the best for you.
    As for the computer, I do the same thing. I turn it on and realize 3 hours have gone by and I didn't even look up.
    I hope the choices you have made make your life a little easier.
