Monday, July 12, 2010

Home Sweet Home Sweet Home

Wow, a whole week without a post?! That's a record for me. ;-)

We're finally home and settled back in. I am so incredibly lucky and thankful for Josh; he is an amazing man. He is not scared of housework and is the biggest help. All our things from the week are put away, there are clean linens on all the beds, the laundry is all done and the kitchen is clean. I couldn't have done it without his help. I heart him. :-D

I started my HCG drops on Saturday, so Saturday and Sunday were binge days. I gained a pound after Saturday's binge, but lost a pound this morning. I overdid my binging yesterday and ended up getting sick and throwing it all up. So this is my starting weight as of this morning:

It's a bad picture because I had a terrible time getting one! I broke our camera last week, WAAAAHHHH!!!!!! I am so so so sad about that. I dropped it and the lens cracked and it's not under warranty. =( Anyway, so I was trying to take it with my cell phone camera and the shadows kept getting in the way so the picture is not great.

ANYWAY, we're back at home, my chicken is baking as I type and I'm enjoying a cup of tea. I'm looking forward to FINALLY getting into the 140's. I'm glad I didn't gain weight with my off week last week; it was basically a moot week and for that I'm thankful. But now it's on to bigger and better places! Or, I guess I should say smaller and better places!! Hee Hee ;-)

I finally passed the place where I have lost more than I have left to lose, YAY!!!

I'll be posting much more regularly now that we're back.


  1. Sometimes a girl just needs a break! Bummer on the camera. Congrats on your weightloss!

  2. So glad your trip went well. Speaking of trips, I'm actually on my way to the beach for a few days, and I'm very nervous concerning my eating. I will do my best to make good choices, but I know there will be temptation around every corner. My body is feeling great though, and I had gotten down to 154.6 but this morning I was back up to 155.0. Not too bad, but moving in the wrong direction. I found some sugar free cand6 to help with cravings but we will see what the scale says tomorrow. I've got my scale and my drops with me so I'm set. I cant wait to see 140,s either. Keep us posted.

