Thursday, May 20, 2010


Today has gone swimmingly well!

I generally am not hungry in the mornings, so it didn't bother me a whit to skip breakfast. I had an apple mid-morning, as well as a cup of tea.

Lunch was 3.5 ounces baked chicken, seasoned with Mrs. Dash Garlic and Herb seasoning and 3.5ounces fresh broccoli with a smidge of fat free dressing.

I had 6 strawberries for a snack around 2 or so.

Now I'm RAVENOUS and all I have to look forward to is 3.5 ounces of chicken and 3.5 ounces of veggies. FOR THE REST OF THE NIGHT!

I have drunk 2 quarts of water, along with 3 cups of tea. Yes, I've been in the bathroom quite a bit today. =)

I am also supposed to drink a glass of V8 for the potassium, but that stuff is NASTY. I am freezing cold today, so I'm contemplating heating it up and pretending it is tomato soup.

I will not cheat. I will stick it out and follow it through.

It's weird how foods I don't normally even care about sound so delicious right now!

Tuna sandwiches with cheese and apples? Yes, please!! Fried egg sandwich? Don't mind if I do! Grilled cheese with a dill pickle? Count me in!

But I can't have any of that. So, I'm off to eat my 3.5 ounces of chicken --which, by the way, is a VERY small portion-- and my 3.5 ounces of fresh spinach and then drink some more water or tea.

I think the key here is to distract myself. So instead of wandering about the kitchen looking at all the things I can't eat, I'll run a hot bubble bath and have a good soak with a book and then head to bed.

That's my plan of action for now. =)


  1. I love V8 juice! It grosses my entire family out. :)

    You were not harsh in the least, my dear, sweet friend. You called what you saw. I totally get and appreciated what you were getting at.

    How's those 3.5 ounces of chicken????

  2. I hear you!! My plan goes in cycles of 5 days - one is a cheat day, and the next day is....a water fast day. Like, for 37 hours including two nights of sleep. Isn't it weird how really random things sound SO SO good? Like especially when you're making food for the kids for lunch, like even PB&J sandwiches?? Hello?? I never eat those, lol!

    You're going to see some scale action today, I'm thinking!!! I'm going to keep checking back to see if there's an update from you. You can do this!
